25 August 2011 Chapter 35A - Aquaculture Management Area Zone 35A.0 Aquaculture Management Area Zone 35A.1 Preamble This section of the Plan provides for the implementation of specific and general objectives and policies for aquaculture management areas as detailed in Volume One of the Plan. It also provides for the specific requirements for aquaculture management areas and aquaculture activities as set out in Part 7A of the Act. Aquaculture management areas are included in this Plan as Aquaculture Management Area Zones. There are three processes available to include new Aquaculture Management Areas Zones in the Plan - a Council-initiated Plan Change; a standard Private Plan Change requested by any person or organisation; and a Council Invited Private Plan Change (IPPC) where the Council invites applications to establish new AMAs. Part 7A of the Act specifies the processes that must be followed by the Council for the establishment of aquaculture activities in the coastal marine area. Responsibilities of others, such as the Chief Executive of the Minister of Fisheries, the Minister of Conservation and the Trustee under Section 9 of the Maori Commercial Aquaculture Claims Settlement Act 2004, are also set out in this part of the Act. Chapter 35A of the Plan sets out those matters which must be contained in a Plan in order for resource consent applications for aquaculture to be considered for approval. Volume One, Section 9.1.2, Aquaculture Management, describes the methods by which the right to apply for resource consents for marine farming will be obtained. 35A.2 General Rules General Rule 35A.2 shall have no effect until Plan Change 16 becomes operative and the reviewed objectives, policies and methods for aquaculture in the Proposed Marlborough Regional Policy Statement have been notified. 35A.2.1 Alternative Allocation Method for the Right to Apply for Available Water Space in Aquaculture Management Areas These General Rules specify the method that will be used to apply for coastal permits for marine farming in operative AMA Zones arising from standard Private Plan Change requests under Schedules 1, Part 2, and 1A of the Act. These General Rules do not apply to AMA Zones arising from Council Invited Private Plan Changes (IPPC). 35A - 1