Appendix C - Hazardous Facility Screening Procedure HFSP Step By Step Guide The following provides a step by step guide to use of the HFSP. The sequence of steps is shown in Figure C2: HFSP step by step guide. In addition, standard forms provide a check list, and present information in a standard format for use in the HFSP. Step1: Site Specific Information A Site Information Sheet (refer Attachment C1) is used to describe the site with data from the Form used together with the Substance Data Record Sheet to carry out the HFSP calculation. Step 2: Hazardous Substance Inventory It is necessary to create a full inventory of hazardous substances held on site. Such an inventory should initially comprise the names, quantities and UN Classes. Step 3: Select Priority Substances It is common for several hazardous substances to be held on a single site. It is neither practical or necessary to submit every substance to the HFSP. Where multiple hazardous substances occur on a site: • if ten or less substances, carry out the HFSP on individual substances • if more than ten substances, carry out the HFSP on those substances that have an extreme or high effect level, or are held in quantities exceeding 10% of the appropriate Base Threshold. Step 4: Substance Specific Information Substance specific information required is defined on the Hazardous Substance Inventory Sheet (refer Attachment C2). This information forms the basis for determining the level of effects for hazardous substances held. To assist classification of substances into Effect Groups and Levels, refer to the Hazardous Substance Worksheet. (Refer Attachment C3). Information for Sheets is available in material safety data sheets, national and international data bases, and text and reference books. Step 5: Identify Effects Groups and Levels Hazardous substances can be classified into Effect Groups and Levels using Table C1: Classification of Hazardous Substances. The Effect Group and Levels can be recorded on Attachment C4: Summary Sheet for Manual HFSP Calculation. Step 6: Find Base Threshold Quantities The Base Threshold for substances are found in Table C2: Base Thresholds for all Effect Groups and Hazard Levels. Record data on the Summary Sheet for Manual HFSP Calculations (Attachment C4). App C - 9