Chapter 27 - Subdivision Zone Allotment Net Min Min Building Min Qualification Type Lot Area Platform Frontage W = with m² Shape Factor metres Sewerage see note 1 see note 2 Reticulation below below WO = without Urban Front W 200 NA NA Access requirements Industrial apply; Refer 27.2.2 Rear W 500 NA NA Access requirements apply; Refer 27.2.2 Port Front W 200 NA NA Access requirements apply; Refer 27.2.2 Rear W 500 NA NA Access requirements apply; Refer 27.2.2 Marina Front W 200 NA NA Access requirements apply: Refer 27.2.2 Rear W 500 NA NA Access requirements apply: Refer 27.2.2 Rural Zones ≥30ha NA NA Lots to accommodate One and minimum 40 metre Two diameter circle. Rural Front W 200 15 metre NA Access requirements Township diameter circle apply; Refer 27.2.2. (Rai Valley) Front WO Access requirements 800 15 metre NA diameter circle apply; Refer 27.2.2 Rear W 500 15 metre NA Access requirements diameter circle apply; Refer 27.2.2 Rear WO 1,000 15 metre NA Access requirements diameter circle apply; Refer 27.2.2 1 Lot areas prescribed are net areas, exclusive of access. 2 The minimum building platform shape factor may be applied anywhere within the proposed allotment. Any building located within the building platform shape factor must comply with the bulk and location requirements of the respective zones and comply with the requirements of any easements. 27.2.2 Standards for Access to Rear Lots (Controlled Subdivision Activities) Important Not e: Developers may employ either a ‘right of way’ over other land or an ‘access leg’ (provision for access included in the lot title to which it provides access) to provide access to a rear lot(s). Where a right of way is employed the line(s) defining the extent of that right of way on a survey plan shall be treated as a legal boundary for the purpose of bulk and location controls for buildings (eg; Urban Residential Zone Rule 27 - 3