20 August 2015 Chapter 35 - Coastal Marine Zones One, Two and Three 35.0 Coastal Marine Zones One, Two and Three NOTE: Resource Management (Marine Pollution) Regulations 1998 introduced pursuant to sections 15A, 15B and 15C of the Resource Management Act 1991 control discharges and dumping from ships. The regulations limit the nature and extent of discharges and dumping, in that part of Coastal Marine Zones 1, 2 and 3 that is coastal marine area. The Council is responsible for administering and enforcing these regulations. 35.1 Permitted Activities The following activities shall be permitted without a resource consent where together with any relevant definition they conform to the conditions for Permi tted Activities as well as the general rules: • Beach grooming and beach re-contouring; • Burial of dead marine mammals; • Clearance of stormwater outfalls; • Discharges from ships; • Erection and placement of public information signs; • Erection or placement of temporary structures; • Harvesting of marine farming produce from marine farms previously authorised by a current Coastal Permit (pursuant to the Resource Management Act 1991) or current Marine Farm Lease or Licence (pursuant to the Marine Farming Act 1971) applied for prior to 1 August 1996, including the taking and discharging of coastal water and discharge of biodegradable and organic waste matter; • Any statutorily established scallop enhancement programme involving distribution of scallop spat to the seabed. • Maintenance, repair, minor extensions, additions and alteration to structures; • Disturbance of foreshore and seabed; • Oil spill clean up in accordance with a national or regional oil spill contingency plan; • Parks, reserves, marine reserves, taiapure, mahinga maataitai and maataitai reserves; • Pest management carried out in accordance with a national or regional pest strategy; • Placement and use (including occupation and maintenance) of swing moorings within Mooring Management Areas; • Placement and use (including occupation and maintenance) of swing moorings for Waka in a defined Waka Mooring Management Area; • Placement, operation and maintenance of equipment used for monitoring purposes; • Recreational activity; • Removal or demolition of structures; • River and stream mouth cutting; 35 - 1