21 August 2008 Chapter 25 - Definitions SIGN includes every advertising device or advertising matter of whatever kind whether consisting of a specially constructed device, structure, erection, or apparatus, or painted, printed, written, carved, inscribed, endorsed, projected onto, placed or otherwise fixed to or upon any premises, wall, fence, rock, stone, structure, or erection of any kind whatsoever is such advertising device or matter is visible from public place. Temporary sign means a sign to announce or advertise an event, function, sale, or product, erected, displayed on any public place or private premises, and displayed only for a limited period of time specified by the rules in the Plan. A temporary sign need not relate to an activity in the District. SIGNIFICANT WAVE HEIGHT means the spectral definition of significant wave height as specified further in IAHR (1989). SITE means any area of land/ or volume of space of sufficient dimensions to accommodate any complying activity provided for by a rule in the Plan: a) Corner site - for the purposes of this document a corner site will be deemed to be a ‘front site’; b) Front site - means a site having one frontage of not less than the minimum prescribed by the Plan for the particular zone in which the site is situated to a road, private road, or the sea; and c) Rear site - means a site which is situated generally to the rear of another site and which has not the frontage required for a front site for that use in the zone. Where a right of way is employed the line(s) defining the extent of that right of way on a survey plan shall be treated as a legal boundary for the purpose of bulk and location controls for buildings. SITE COVERAGE means that portion of a site (read ‘net site area’, for the Urban Residential Zone) which may be covered by buildings including accessory buildings. SLOPE means the angle of a hillslope from the horizontal, measured at right angles to the contour. Where compound slopes are involved, the slope will be taken as the average slope measured over a 50 metre length of the area of land being disturbed. Where there is doubt the slope is to be measured at least to the accuracy of a hand held clinometer or better. SOAK PIT means an unfilled hole or a hole backfilled with media that creates a concentrated point of discharge and allows the rapid movement of wastewater to depth. SPECIAL AUDIBLE CHARACTERISTICS means noise that has special audible characteristics, such as tonality or impulsiveness, which is likely to arouse adverse community response at lower levels than noise without such characteristics. See NZS 6802:1991 Clause 4.3. STOPBANK (OR FLOODBANK) means a deliberately made raised section of ground parallel to a river preventing flood flows inundating land. STRUCTURE * means any building, equipment, device or other facility made by people and which is fixed to land, and includes any raft. However, for the purpose of the Plan includes sub aqueous cable but does not include any marine farm or its ancillary structures. SUMMER means that part of the year commencing on the Friday prior to Labour Day deemed and concluding on the Tuesday after Easter Monday of the following year. SUSTAINABLE MANAGEMENT has the same meaning as in section 2 of the Act. SWALE In respect of riparian management zone issues and particularly in relation to Appendix I, means a hollow or depression in the land surface which intermittently collects and conveys surfacewater. In respect of Appendix I, this definition also includes an open drain. 25 - 15