2 October 2014 Chapter 36 - Rural Zones One and Two Revegetation The vegetation cover of a cultivation site shall be restored within 24 months of the end of the operation, to a level where the amount of bare ground is no more than 20% greater than prior to the land disturbance taking place. Excavation and Filling Gradients The gradient of any side cut excavation must not exceed an average of 9.5° (1:6) and must not exceed 11.3° (1:5) along any length of more than 20 metres. Water Control and Culverts Stormwater controls, water tables cut-offs, and culverts are to be installed to ensure that erosion does not occur on the inside edge of the cut. No culvert size less than 300mm may be used to drain any side-cut excavation. Stabilisation Batters and side castings are to be stabilised by appropriate measures such as seeding, compacting, drainage and/ or other methods of revegetation. Run-off Run-off from water tables or surfaces of side cut excavations is to be directed to stable land areas. Crossings River crossings are to be stable and maintained as suitable for fish passage in fish bearing stretches of the river. Riparian Areas Except for direct approaches to bridges, crossings and fords; maintenance of rail and public roads; and trenching for cable laying, no excavation or filling must take place within riparian management zones as specified in the schedule of water bodies in Appendix I and as mapped in Ecology Maps in Volume Three, or in a manner or location where the General Conditions for Land Disturbance cannot be complied with. Slope Any excavation or filling on land greater than 20º and less than 35° slope, provided the activity complies with Rules to above and not more than 1,000m may be excavated/filled in any two year period. 3 Backfilling All earth not required to be placed in a trench shall be removed from the land disturbance site, and placed in a stable location. Where a resource consent is required for placement of the fill, this shall be obtained prior to the start of work. Vegetation Clearance Vegetation clearance is a Permitted Activity provided that: a) Blading or root-raking shall not be used to clear vegetation on slopes of more than 20°; b) Burning shall not be carried out on Class 7e or Class 8 land, when the Fire Weather Index Parameters for the burn are: 36 - 7