20 March 2014 Chapter 33 - Port Zone Fire Safety All hazardous facilities where flammable hazardous substances are either used or stored shall have adequate fire safety equipment in place in compliance with the requirements of the Dangerous Goods Regulations. Signage All hazardous facilities shall be adequately signposted according to the most recent version of the Code of Practice for Warning Signs for Premises Storing Hazardous Substances of the New Zealand Chemical Industry Council. Emergency and Evacuation Plan All hazardous facilities shall have in place an emergency and evacuation plan which deals with possible on-site accidents involving hazardous substances. A current copy of the plan shall be made available to the Council, upon request. 33.1.9 Hazards/Riparian Management Except for internal alterations within an existing structure, building activity is not a Permitted Activity within the coverage of the Natural Hazards overlay identified on the Planning Maps. All proposed buildings and structures shall be set back a minimum of at least 8 metres from the top of any waterbody or where there is a stopbank at least 8 metres from the landward toe of that stopbank. 33.2 Controlled Activities 33.2.1 Application must be made for a resource consent for a Controlled Activity with respect to the following: • Maintenance dredging for river and navigation management and berthage purposes; • Stormwater discharge; and • Structures used in the petroleum and chemical industry up to 10,000 litres. 33.2.2 Standards All Controlled Activities shall be subject to the general conditions applicable to Permitted Activities. In addition the following standards shall apply to specified activities. An application for a resource consent may be considered without notification or the need to obtain the written approval of affected persons in accordance with section 94(1) of the Resource Management Act. 33.2.3 Maintenance Dredging for River and Navigation Management, and Berthage Purposes Disturbance and damage of foreshore and seabed associated with dredging river mouth areas and navigation channels for river and navigation management and berthage purposes, including any associated discharge of water or contaminants, is a Controlled Activity provided that the activity conforms to the following standards and terms: 33 - 15