Marlborough Sounds Resource Management Plan Map Site Status Ecological Value Key 4/08 Resolution Bay, Queen Charlotte Sound 2 As above 4/08 Cannibal Cove, Queen Charlotte Sound 2 As above 4/08 Pari Kawau, Queen Charlotte Sound 2 As above 4/08 Tawa Bay, Queen Charlotte Sound 2 As above 4/08 Howdens Bush, Queen Charlotte Sound 2 As above 4/08 Endeavour Inlet, Queen Charlotte Sound 2 As above 4/09 Edgecombe Point, 3 Unusual vegetation communities (kowhai Queen Charlotte Sound ‘Cook Strait’ and kohekohe). Cook Strait speargrass, wharangi and karaka. 4/10 Big Bay, Queen Charlotte Sound 1 Alpine daisy (endangered) yellow head, Powelliphan ta snails, NZ falcon, yellow crowned parakeet and alpine plants. Alpine to coast vegetation (sole example in Sounds). 4/10 Mount Stokes 1 As above 4/10 Big Bay, Queen Charlotte Sound 1 As above 4/10 Waimaru 1 As above 4/10 Grants Lookout 1 As above 4/10 Tahuakai 1 As above 4/10 Puzzle Peak 1 As above 4/11 Robertson Range 2 Diverse near-intact landforms and vegetation. Shore to tops unbroken altitudinal sequence. Carnivorous land snail Powelliphanta hochstetteri bicolor, long tailed cuckoo (uncommon). Kaka. 4/11 Whites Bay, Cloudy Bay 2 As above 4/11 Kahikatea, Queen Charlotte Sound 2 As above 4/12 Mahakipawa, Pelorus Sound 3 Localised value. No threatened land species. Together areas form very large but fragmented habitat for smaller bird species and more mobile larger species. Some uncommon plant species or species associations which are becoming increasingly uncommon. 4/12 Mount Oliver, Linkwater 3 As above 4/12 Ngakuta Point, Queen Charlotte Sound 3 As above 4/12 Whenuanui, Queen Charlotte Sound 3 As above 4/12 Governors Bay, Queen Charlotte Sound 3 As above 4/12 Kaipupu Point, Queen Charlotte Sound 3 As above 4/12 Picton, Queen Charlotte Sound 3 As above 4/12 Waikawa, Queen Charlotte Sound 3 As above 4/12 Karaka Point, Queen Charlotte Sound 3 As above 4/12 Putanui Point, Pelorus Sound 3 As above 4/12 Ohingaroa, Mahau Sound 3 As above 4/12 Otoromiro, Pelorus Sound 3 As above App B - 10