Chapter 26 - General Rules 26.1.10 Prohibited Activities on or over any Wetland Lake or River The disposal of any hazardous waste on or over any wetland, lake or river shall be a Prohibited Activity for which no resource consent shall be granted. 26.1.11 Rules for the Drilling, Construction or Alteration of a Bore Permitted Activities Unless expressly limited elsewhere, the drilling, construction and alteration of a bore is a Permitted Activity where the hole is less than or equal to 5m deep, and complies with the following conditions (Note: this does not apply to monitoring bores which require a resource consent regardless of depth and must be a minimum diameter of 75mm to allow access for sampling equipment.) Conditions The following construction requirements must be met: a) Where the bore hole intersects groundwater it must be capped to prevent contamination of the aquifer; b) All artesian and free flowing bores must be capped to prevent wastage of water; c) All bores for the purpose of abstracting water must be constructed to New Zealand Drillers Federation Water Bore Construction Standards, to prevent contamination to and leakage of groundwater; and d) The well casing must stand 0.3m above the ground surface to protect the aquifer from contamination. (Refer to Figure 26.1 below) Figure 26.1 The following separation distances must be met: Figure 26.2 26 - 13