11 September 2014 Chapter 35 - Coastal Marine Zones One, Two and Three • The dumping of waste and litter from onshore (including shell, offal or any other matter) into the coastal marine area; • Marine farms in Coastal Marine Zone One other than marine farms specified as Controlled Activities in Rule 35.2.5 or Limited Discretionary Activities in Rule 35.3, or Discretionary Activities not complying with the standards specified for marine farms as Controlled Activities. • Rafting of logs as a means of transportation. • The combustion of: - materials associated with the recovery of metals from insulated electrical cables; or - materials and metals used in motor vehicles; or - any other PVC plastic, or rubber tyres, treated timber, or agricultural chemical wastes. • Use of surface water within that part of Queen Charlotte Sound not on the National Transportation Route by High speed ships, or ships that exceed 500 gross registered tonnes, which are travelling at ship speeds greater than 15 knots. 35 - 33