Marlborough Sounds Resource Management Plan b) Any relevant rules and standards in the General Rules (except the rules within section 26.1.4); and c) Any relevant rules and conditions of the relevant zone relating to land disturbance (including vegetation clearance), discharges, hazardous facilities and noise. Lines for conveying electricity at a voltage up to and including 110 KV with a capacity up to and including 100 MVA per circuit and lines as defined by section 2 (1A) of the Telecommunications Act 1987, and associated support structures including towers, masts and poles. Telecommunication and radiocommunication facilities which include aerials, antennas, dish antennas, wires and associated support structures including towers, masts and poles. Transformers, substations, utility buildings and depots. Automatic weather stations or weather recording devices. Underground pipe networks for the conveyance and drainage of water or sewage and any ancillary underground equipment. Reservoirs, wells and supply intakes for the reticulation or provision of water supply. Irrigation and stock water races, open drains and open channels. Lighthouses, navigational aids and beacons. Conditions for New Utilities in Rule All new utilities buildings and structures on or adjacent to watercourses listed in Appendix I and the Ecology maps in Volume Three shall be set back in accordance with the setbacks specified in Appendix I, Table 1. This condition shall not apply to subaqueous/ underground lines or cables, cables, lines, support structures, antennas, and utility cabinets up to 9m2 in floor area and 2.5 metres in height. Unless specified to the contrary in Appendix I and the Ecology Maps in Volume Three, all proposed buildings and structures shall be set back at least 8 metres from the top of any bank of any river, or where there is a stopbank at least 8 metres from the landward toe of that stopbank. Buildings and structures shall be set back at least 20 metres from the coast, lakes and wetlands. This condition shall not apply to subaqueous/ underground lines or cables, cables, lines, support structures, antennas, and utility cabinets up to 9m2 in floor area and 2.5 metres in height. Support structures for electricity lines shall be no more than 25 metres in height. No telecommunication and radiocommunication facilities shall exceed a maximum height of 25 metres, provided that the maximum height is not to be exceeded by the support structure, aerial or antennae mounting or the aerial antennas whether affixed to the land, a building or an existing mast, tower or pole; No dish antennae shall exceed 3 metres diameter. No building shall exceed 65m² in gross floor area and 5 metres in height 26 - 42