Marlborough Sounds Resource Management Plan 10 March 2006 CLEANER PRODUCTION means the conceptual and procedural approach to production that demands that all phases of the life-cycle of a product or of a process should be addressed with the objective of preventing or minimising short and long term risks to humans and to the environment. CLEANFILL means material that has no potential to produce harmful effects on the environment. This material is generally a natural material such as clay, soil and rock, and such other materials as concrete, brick or demolition products that are free of combustible or organic materials and are therefore not subject to biological or chemical breakdown. COASTAL BROADLEAVED SCRUB means scrub and shrubland communities dominated by indigenous AND SHRUBLAND coastal broadleaved species which do not naturally reach a height of 6m, with a mean diameter of 10cm or more measured 1.4m above the soil and more than 80% closure of indigenous canopy, occurring within the Cook Strait and D’Urville Land Ecosystems as shown in Volume 3, Map 106. COASTAL MARINE AREA has the same meaning as in section 2 of the Act. COASTAL MARINE ZONE means that area of the foreshore and seabed, and the airspace above the water - a) Of which the seaward boundary is the outer limits of the territorial sea. b) Of which the landward boundary is the line of mean high water springs, except that where that line crosses a river, the landward boundary at that point shall be in accordance with the agreement for definition of river mouths made between the Minister of Conservation and the Marlborough District Council on 4 December 1995, or any subsequent amendment to that agreement, and as delineated generally on the planning maps. COASTAL WATER has the same meaning as in section 2 of the Act. COMMERCIAL ACTIVITY means the use of land and buildings for the display, offering, provision, sale, servicing or hire of goods, equipment, and includes shops, markets, showrooms, licensed premises, restaurants, takeaway foodbars, professional, commercial and administrative offices, motor vehicle sales and hire but excludes service stations. COMMERCIAL FORESTRY means a land based activity having as its primary purpose, the growing of trees for commercial wood production. This includes the planting and replanting of the trees. However, aspects of forest management such as vegetation clearance, land disturbance and application of agrichemicals are dealt with under relevant rules within the Plan. This definition does not include woodlot and conservation forestry. COMMUNITY FACILITY means the use of land and buildings for the primary purpose of public health, welfare, care, safety, education, culture and spiritual well-being. Community facilities include schools, hospitals, doctors’ surgeries, veterinary clinics and other private health professionals, churches, public recreation and entertainment facilities, halls, libraries, community centres, court houses, community correction centres. COMPOSTING means the biological reduction of organic waste to a relatively stable product. CONDITIONS * in relation to plans and resource consents, includes terms, standards, restrictions and prohibitions. CONSERVATION FORESTRY means the management of areas of native shrubs and forest vegetation, including where necessary planting and replanting the primary purpose of which is to preserve these for amenity and landscape and/ or soil conservation purposes. 25 - 2