20 January 2011 Chapter 33 - Port Zone Reclamation Any activity reclaiming foreshore and/ or seabed which is. a) Equal to or greater than 1 hectare; or b) Extends 100 or more metres linear in any direction; or c) Is an incremental reclamation connected to, or part of, another reclamation which; - was commenced or received a resource consent after 5 May 1994, and - the sum of the existing and proposed reclamations are equal to or exceed the dimensions in the first two bullet points of this rule; is a Discretionary Activity. Assessment Criteria a) Whether the reclamation or drainage is necessary; b) Whether the final appearance will harmonise with the character of the surrounding landscape; c) Whether the reclamation or drainage has made allowance for the effects of sea level rise, waves and currents and earthquakes; and d) Whether the reclamation has any significant adverse effect on ecological values and tangata whenua values. Structures Which Impound or Effectively Contain the Coastal Marine Area Any activity involving the erection of a structure or structures, which will impound or effectively contain more than 4 hectares, of the coastal marine area is a Discretionary Activity. Structures in the Coastal Marine Area More or Less Parallel to Mean High Water Springs Any activity involving the erection of a structure or structures: • Which are solid (or presents a significant barrier to water or sediment movement); • When established on the foreshore and/ or seabed would extend 300 metres or more, in length more or less parallel to the line of mean high water springs (including separate structures which incrementally total at least 300 metres contiguously); is a Discretionary Activity. 33 - 23