Chapter 26 - General Rules Diversions Diversion of river channels are a Permitted Activity provided that the following conditions are met: a) To minimise the effects of water discoloration, diversion works shall only be carried out working in an upstream direction; b) Redundant channels shall be left open at the downstream end in a manner that ensures that fish stocks are not entrapped; and c) The Nelson Marlborough Fish and Game Council and the Department of Conservation shall be informed of the proposed works, at least seven days prior to work commencing. Tree and Scrub Removal and Control Tree and scrub removal and control is a Permitted Activity provided that the following conditions are met: a) Tree and scrub removal and control shall be carried out by mechanical and/ or other physical means; b) All cut or felled vegetation shall be removed from the rivers and drainage channels less than 3 metres in width; c) All vegetation greater than 100 millimetres in diameter shall be removed from rivers wider than 3 metres; d) Machinery shall not be operated in flowing water; e) Removal of trees overhanging or partially in water shall be by machinery operated on the river bank or mounted on ships or barges; f) Consideration shall be given to the shading effect and other benefits of the tree(s) or other vegetation (especially those on the northern side), prior to removal; and g) All reasonable steps shall be taken to avoid discoloration of the water. Rock, Rubble or Gabion Structural Bank Protection Rock may be used for protecting river bank edges, training banks or stopbanks as a Permitted Activity provided that the following conditions are met: a) Rock from damaged or redundant structures may be recovered from the riverbed; b) All reasonable steps shall be taken to minimise discoloration of water; c) Where concrete or masonry rubble is used, any exterior reinforcing steel shall be cut flush with the surface of the concrete and removed from the site; d) For slow-flowing and/ or urban rivers continuous lengths exceeding 50 metres of vertical gabion bank walls shall be avoided, by interposing some gently sloping sections which allow bird access to the river and habitat diversity; e) Motor vehicle bodies, old machinery and scrap iron shall not be used for bank protection works; and f) Except in urgent situations, placement of rock rip-rap in estuarine areas shall not take place between 1 August and 30 November in any year. 26 - 9