20 August 2015 Chapter 25 - Definitions WAAHI TAPU means a sacred site. These are defined locally by the hapu and iwi, which are the kaitiaki for the waahi tapu. WAIKAWA BAY means that part of the coastal marine area to the south of the line extending from the Snout to Karaka Point, including that area within a Moorings Management Area. WAKA means a traditional Maori canoe, including replica vessels of similar design. WAREHOUSING means the bulk storage of goods for redistribution. WASH RULE means a Maximum Wave Energy of 9 kilojoules per metre, which may be exceeded no more than once in 10 sequential Wave Records. The sequence of Wave Records need not be contiguous where instrument or system failure or presence of non-calm conditions or missed passage of ships would make any particular Wave Record unusable or unavailable. WASTE means any material whether liquid, solid, gaseous, or radioactive, which is discharged, emitted or deposited in the environment in such volume, constituency or manner as to cause an adverse effect on the environment and which includes all unwanted or unusable by-products at any given place and time, and includes any other matter which may be discharged, accidentally or otherwise, to the environment. WASTE MANAGEMENT waste management relates to the transportation, resource recovery, recycling, storage, treatment and disposal of waste, including management systems to ensure that waste generation and environmental effects are minimised. WASTE MINIMISATION means the modification of existing processes or behaviours to reduce waste production to a minimum. WATER has the same meaning as in section 2 of the Act. WATERBODY * means fresh water or geothermal water in a river, lake, stream, pond, wetland, or aquifer, or any part thereof, that is not located within the coastal marine area. [However, for the purpose of managing effluent disposal, in the Plan, waterbody includes water located within the coastal marine area]. WATER TABLE in the context of tracking and roading means a surface drainage channel parallel and on the inside of a track or road. WAVE ENERGY means the excess of total energy of progressive waves over the energy of still water integrated over a wave length per unit of wave-crest length assessed at a 3 metre water depth at sites that comply with the parameters specified in Appendix K. WAVE RECORD means any record of the ship-generated vertical displacement of the seawater surface as a function of time derived at any location within the National Transportation Route that meets the requirements of Clause 3 of Appendix K. WAY in relation to ships does not include the operation, servicing and harvesting of a marine farm. WEEK means a period of seven days commencing at midnight on Saturday night and concluding at midnight on the following Saturday night. WGS84 means World Geodetic System 198 4, and is a definition for the shape of the earth and geocentric coordinates (i.e. latitude and longitude) based on a geocentric origin (I.e. the exact centre of the eart h). WETLAND * includes permanently or intermittently wet areas, shallow water, and land water margins that support a natural ecosystem of plants and animals that are adapted to wet conditions. 25 - 17