Marlborough Sounds Resource Management Plan 20 March 2014 27.3.2 Standards for Access to Rear Lots (Discretionary Subdivision Activities) Important Note: Developers may employ either ‘right of way’ or ‘access leg’ (provision for access included in the lot title to which it provides access) to provide access to a rear lot(s). Where a right of way is employed the line(s) defining the extent of that right of way on a survey plan shall be treated as a legal boundary for the purpose of bulk and location controls for buildings (eg; Urban Residential Zone Rule Zone No. Min Min Qualification Lots Width Sealed Width Served (me (m etres) tres) Urban Residential 1 3 NA NA 2 3.5 3 NA 3 & 4 5 4 Width allows passing. Sounds Residential 1 & 2 3 NA NA 3-6 5 NA Width allows passing. Rural Zone Two 1 3 NA NA 2 3 NA NA 3 - 6 3 NA Width allows passing. Town Commercial 1-4 5 5 NA Rural: Rule - 3 - 6 5 NA Width allows passing. Special Provision to Protect Large Lots. Rural Township 1 3 NA NA 2 3.5 3 NA 3 & 4 5 4 NA Where front lots are provided with legal rights over accessways or rights of way that serve rear lots, then those front lots shall count as rear lots for the purpose of calculating the number of lots served. The legal width of access shall include any cut or embankment which is part of the physical formation. Passing bays may be required where the length, gradient or width of an access leg adversely affects the safety of users. 27.3.3 Special Subdivisions Variation as to Minimum Area and Shape or Certain Other Constraints will be Considered Under the Following Circumstances: a) To facilitate the protection of significant environmental features; b) For special purpose lots; c) For boundary adjustments; 27 - 10