20 February 2007 Appendix F - Schedule of Designated Land Appendix F Schedule of Designated Land N o Requiring Purpose of Designation Site Description Legal Description Authority 1. Marlborough Substation Queen Charlotte Drive Pt Sec 7S, Linkwater Lines Limite d Dale Settlement, Blk IX Linkwater SD. 2. Maritime Safety Reserved for a site for a Brothers Island, Valn No. 20230 02400 Authority of New lighthouse or other purposes Lat 41’6.2’S, Blk XXII, Gore SD. Zealand of the general Government. Long 174’26.5’E 3. Maritime Safety Lighthouse. Landcorp Cape Jackson. Valn No. 201079400. Authority of New Investments Ltd Lat 40’59.8’S. Incl Secs 1, Blks XVII and Zealand Long 174’18.8E. XX and Sec 5 Blk XVI, Gore SD 643.4502 ha. 4. Maritime Safety Lighthouse Ninepin Rock Valn No. 2010016000 Authority of New Lat 40’55.0’s (Includes all Chetwode Zealand Long 174’3.3’E Islands 280 ha). Blk XXVI, Gore SD. 5. Maritime Safety Lighthouse Middle Bank Reef N/A Authority of New Lat 40’55.4’S Zealand Long 173’50.0’E 6. Maritime Safety Reserved for a site for a Channel Point Sec 13 Sq 93, Blkx IV Authority of New lighthouse and Nature Lat 40’55.5’S and V French Pass Zealand Reserve Long 173’50.1’E Survey District. 7. Maritime Safety Land to be held for public Stephens Island Valn No. 1985000100 Authority of New Lat 40’40.1’S Sec 1 and 2, SO 15162 Zealand Long 174’00.0’E 2.1614 ha. 9. New Zealand Railway Purposes Main north railway Railway land Railways corridor and Picton Corporation Terminal 10. Crown/NZ Police Police Station and Lucknow St, Havelock Pt Secs 77 and 78 Associated Residence. Havelock, CT 5A/1368 and Conveyance 5866 DR C4/149 (ROW), SO 7063. 11. Crown/NZ Police Police Station. 32-36 Broadway, Picton Lots 1 and 3 DP 8811, CT’s 5B/276, 5B/278. 12. Airways Air navigation aid (very Arapawa Island. Near Lot 1 DP 8821 Sect 1 Blk Corporation of NZ high frequency Omni- Narawhia Trig, Sth East VI Arapawa SD. Site Ltd Directional Radio Range corner of Arapawa Is. Area: 1780 m. 2 and Distance Measuring Equipment stn). 14. Marlborough Lines Substation Elaine Bay Lot 1 DP 8465. Limited 8094 m. 2. 15. Marlborough Lines Substation SH 6, Rai Valley Lot 1 DP 3771. 875 m. 2. Limited 16. Marlborough Lines Substation SH 6 - Havelock Lot 1 DP 3649 and Sec Limited 31, 32 Blk XII. 675 m 2 and 132 m. 2 17. Marlborough Lines Substation Scotland St, Picton Lot 1 DP 6309. Limited App F - 1