Marlborough Sounds Resource Management Plan 10 March 2006 37.3.1 General Assessment Criteria Any application for a Discretionary or Non-Complying Activity shall generally comply with the conditions for Permitted Activities. In addition they shall be considered in terms of the following assessment criteria. For some activities specific standards also apply. 37.3.2 Matters the Subject of Assessment The effect of the proposal on the integrity of the Rural Township Zone’s character; The impact of the proposal on the proper functioning of the State Highway system; The extent and nature of any discharges to land, air or water and the extent to which their effects have been avoided, remedied or mitigated; and The adverse effect of the proposal on the environment; and Whether the proposal will diminish the natural character of the locality, having regard to the natural character areas identified in Appendix Two, Volume One. 37.3.3 Resource Consent Conditions Any resource consent may include conditions relating to any one or more of the following: a) All those matters contained in section 108 of the Act; b) The bulk and location of buildings; c) The protection or enhancement of amenity values; d) The protection or enhancement of the quality and quantity of natural waters or water systems; e) The protection of any significant environmental feature; f) The protection of any iwi, heritage or archaeological sites or features; g) The design and appearance of any buildings; h) Financial contributions in accordance with the requirements of the Plan; i) Bonds or covenants to secure the performance of consent conditions; j) Landscape design and appearance; k) The protection of future roading options and the management of traffic impacts; and l) Adverse effects on the environment. 37.4 Non-Complying Activities • Any activity other than a Prohibited Activity which is neither a Permitted Activity, Limited Discretionary Activity nor a Discretionary Activity shall be deemed to be a Non-Complying Activity. 37 - 12