11 September 2014 Chapter 35 - Coastal Marine Zones One, Two and Three • the Council may on any anniversary of the grant of consent to any marine farm, review the conditions of consent over which it has reserved control, to deal with any adverse effect on the environment which may arise from the exercise of the consent and which cannot be adequately avoided, remedied or mitigated by any term or condition incorporated within the consent. This condition is imposed pursuant to the provisions of section 128(1)(a)(iii) of the Act. Matters Over Which Control is Reserved Conditions may be imposed in respect of the following matters over which the Cou ncil has reserved control: a) The duration of the consent (subject to the maximum period specified in Rule above); b) Information and monitoring requirements; c) The provision of warning devices and signs; d) The layout and positioning of the marine farm structures to ensure public access (including recreational and forestry access) through the area and the preservation of navigational safety both within the marine farm and within the vicinity of the marine farm; e) The extent and nature of disturbance to the foreshore and seabed; f) Administrative charges payable; g) The adverse effects of any marine farming related structures on navigation or on visual amenities; h) The adverse ecological effects of the activity; i) Adverse effects of marine farming activities and structures previously addressed by way of conditions in earlier Coastal Permits, Marine Farm Licences and Leases pertaining to any particular marine farm site; and in the case of marine farms listed in Appendix D as controlled activities: j) The adverse visual effects of support structures on the natural character of the coastal environment; and k) The adverse effects from the use of surface structures to the extent that in whole or in part the use of such surface structures may be able to be reduced by other technology involving, where appropriate, subsurface farming techniques or buoy or surface support mechanisms utilising methods which mitigate adverse visual effects. 35.2.6 Except as provided for in Rule , use of surface water within the National Transportation Route by high speed ships, or ships that exceed 500 gross registered tonnes, which are travelling at a ship speed exceeding 15 knots, including any associated disturbance of the foreshore and seabed. Standard a) The ship shall not propagate waves that exceed the Wash Rule in the National Transportation Route. Terms a) The duration period of any consent shall not exceed 20 years. 35 - 13