Chapter 31 - Town Commercial Zone Activity Parking Spaces Required Between 201 and 250 persons Minimum parking: One for every six persons design occupancy designed to be accommodated. Maximum parking: One for every four persons designed to be accommodated. Between 251 and 300 persons Minimum parking: One for every five persons design occupancy designed to be accommodated. Maximum parking: One for every three persons designed to be accommodated. Tourist Complex One space for every room plus one for every two employees plus one for every 10m² of gross floor area of restaurant and one for every 8m² of conference facility. 31.1.2 Amenities Lighting All exterior lighting shall be directed away from adjacent properties and roads so as to avoid any adverse effects on the neighbourhood and on traffic safety. No activity shall result in greater than a 10 Lux spill (horizontal and vertical) of light onto any adjoining property within the zone, measured 2 metres inside the boundary of any adjoining property. No activity shall result in a greater than 2.5 Lux spill (horizontal and vertical) of light onto any adjoining property which is zoned Urban Residential. Maximum Height The maximum permitted height of any building shall be 12 metres. Building Envelope For properties which adjoin an Urban Residential Zone all buildings shall be confined within a height envelope in respect of the common boundary. The height envelope shall have the dimensions specified for recession planes in the Urban Residential Zone. Building Setbacks All proposed buildings and structures shall be set back a minimum of at least 5 metres where the site abuts an Urban Residential Zone and shall be 20 metres from the margin of the coastal marine area. Site Coverage Up to 100% of the site may be covered in building. Verandahs Every building fronting a formed legal road shall, on its erection, reconstruction, or alteration, provide a pedestrian shelter, in the form of verandahs for footpaths along that frontage. 31 -3