10 March 2006 Chapter 28 - Standard Requirements The stormwater drainage system shall provide for the collection and control of all stormwater within the land being developed or subdivided together with drainage from the entire catchment upstream of the proposed subdivision or development. Where a drain is to be laid through any other land the developer shall provide evidence that the drain or watercourse intended to receive the discharge is adequate for that purpose. The developer shall negotiate and arrange all necessary drainage easements. Where on-site disposal is proposed the developer shall submit with the application full engineering design for the stormwater disposal system. In cases where substantial costs are likely to be incurred in providing extended stormwater drainage or upgrading undersize stormwater lines that will not exclusively serve the subdivision or development under consideration the Council may contribute towards these costs a nd may recoup the cost by way of contributions from future developers of the land so served by the extended service. 28.1.19 Treatment and Disposal of Sewage Wastes The developer shall provide means for the satisfactory disposal of sewage wastes from all allotments and from all buildings where such wastes are to be generated. Unless unreasonable in the circumstances the sanitary drainage system shall be designed to serve the expected load from any further subdivision or development from the upstream catchment area. In cases where substantial costs are likely to be incurred in providing extended sewer lines or upgrading undersize sewer lines that will not exclusively serve the subdivision or development under consideration the Council may contribute towards these costs and may recoup the cost by way of contributions from future developers of the land so served by the extended service. The developer shall negotiate and arrange all necessary sewerage easements. 28.1.20 Council Ownership of Drains Upon completion of the maintenance period for sanitary and stormwater reticulation works and certification by the Engineer, the Council will accept responsibility, by accepting easements over approved drains. Existing drains through the subdivision may be accepted for responsibility by the Council on the creation of the appropriate easements. 28.1.21 On-site Management of Domestic Wastewater Where proposed allotments are to be serviced by on-site wastewater management systems, the allotments are to be subject to specific investigation to confirm that on-site management is the best practicable option, and that the contaminants within the domestic wastewater will be effectively treated and contained on-site. The investigation will require an on-site assessment of the site conditions and constraints, particularly soil properties. The Council has released the document “Guidelines for new on-site wastewater management systems” in July 2005 to assist professionals to undertake such an assessment. 28 - 15