10 March 2006 Chapter 40 - Local Recreation Zone 40.0 Local Recreation Zone 40.1 Permitted Activities The following activities shall be permitted without a resource consent where together with any relevant definition they conform to the conditions for Permitted Activities as well as the general rules: • Application of agrichemicals, including deadly poisons; • Children’s play equipment, picnic facilities, public shelters, park furniture, toilets, changing rooms and seating; • Domestic wastewater and stormwater discharges; • Land Use Activities carried out in accordance with an approved Management Plan prepared under the Reserves Act 1977; • Lawns, areas of bush, ornamental gardens and other planted areas or landscape features; • Passive outdoor recreation; • Routes for pedestrians, cyclists, including footpaths, cycle tracks, bridges and driveways; and • Utilities for which the land vests; • Special events not exceeding two days. Conditions for Permitted Activities The conditions applicable in the Conservation Zone are those that apply with respect to the Permitted Activities for the Local Recreation Zone. 40.2 Limited Discretionary Activities • The discharge of domestic wastewater authorised by resource consent prior to 21 April 2005, or the discharge of domestic wastewater through any on-site wastewater management system installed after 21 April 2005, into or onto land. 40.2.1 Minor Non Compliance Minor non-compliance with the conditions for Permitted Activities may be permitted to the extent specified below and will be considered by way of a Limited Discretionary Consent. • Buildings or structures intruding into the front yard by up to 100%; and • Buildings encroaching the height envelope created by recession plane angles by a maximum of 1 metre in any direction. 40.2.2 Limits to Council’s Discretion In each of the above cases the Council’s discretion shall be limited to a consideration of the adverse effects expected to directly result from the proposed non-compliance; together with such matters listed in Rule 40.2.3 below as are relevant to the non- compliance. 40 - 1