10 March 2006 Chapter 30 - Sounds Residential Zone b) The bulk and location of buildings; c) The protection or enhancement of amenity values; d) The protection or enhancement of the quality and quantity of natural waters or water systems; e) The protection of any significant environmental feature; f) The protection of any iwi, heritage or archaeological sites or feature; g) The design and appearance of any buildings; h) Financial contributions in accordance with the requirements of the Plan; i) Bonds or covenants to secure the performance of consent conditions; j) Landscape design and appearance, and site layout; k) The protection of future roading options and the management of traffic impacts; l) The hours of operation; and m) The scale of development. 30.5 Non-Complying Activities • Any activity other than a Prohibited Activity which is neither a Permitted Activity, Controlled Activity, Limited Discretionary Activity nor a Discretionary Activity shall be deemed to be a Non-Complying Activity. 30.6 Prohibited Activities- being activities for which no resource consent shall be granted • The disposal of waste hazardous substances to land or water. • The combustion of: - materials associated with the recovery of metals from insulated electrical cables; or - materials and metals used in motor vehicles; or - any other PVC plastic, or rubber tyres, treated timber, or agricultural chemical wastes. • The discharge of domestic wastewater, through any soak pit established after 21 April 2005, into lan d. 30 - 19