10 March 2006 Chapter 36 - Rural Zones One and Two (b) The term of the discharge permit shall not exceed 15 years; Matters to which the Council has restricted the exercise of its discretion (a) The proximity of the discharge to any surface water, groundwater or coastal water and any actual or potential adverse effects of the discharge on water quality; (b) The proximity of the discharge to any public sewer; (c) The proximity of the discharge to other discharges of domestic wastewater and the potential for cumulative effects; (d) The potential for the discharge to adversely affect the quality of water in any river or aquifer, or in the coastal marine area; (e) The potential for the discharge to initiate instability or make existing instability worse; (f) The extent to which the proposed on-site wastewater management system complies with the Council’s guidelines for the investigation, design, installation and maintenance of on-site wastewater management systems; (g) The site conditions, including the nature of the soil and soil depth; (h) The nature of the on-site wastewater management system and the appropriateness of the system to the site conditions; (i) The capacity of the treatment unit and the level of treatment; (j) The rate and method of discharge; (k) The size of the land application area and alternative locations for the land application area; (l) The necessity for monitoring the performance of the on-site wastewater management system; and (m) The management and maintenance of the on-site wastewater management system, including the ability to access the on-site system for maintenance purposes.; and (n) Alternative on-site wastewater management systems. 36.4 Discretionary Activities Application must be made for a Resource Consent for a Discretionary Activity for the following: • Activities listed as Permitted or Controlled Activities which do not comply with standards and/or conditions or with the provisions for minor non-compliance dealt with as limited discretionary activities; • Activity listed as a Permitted Activity and either adversely affecting or being affected by any hazard area identified on the Planning Maps as a hazardous area and/or listed in the Hazards Register; 36 - 28A