10 March 2006 Chapter 40 - Local Recreation Zone (d) The potential for the discharge to adversely affect the quality of water in any river or aquifer, or in the coastal marine area; (e) The potential for the discharge to initiate instability or make existing instability worse; (f) The extent to which the proposed on-site wastewater management system complies with the Council’s guidelines for the investigation, design, installation and maintenance of on-site wastewater management systems; (g) The site conditions, including the nature of the soil and soil depth; (h) The nature of the on-site wastewater management system and the appropriateness of the system to the site conditions; (i) The capacity of the treatment unit and the level of treatment; (j) The rate and method of discharge; (k) The size of the land application area and alternative locations for the land application area; (l) The necessity for monitoring the performance of the on-site wastewater management system; and (m) The management and maintenance of the on-site wastewater management system, including the ability to access the on-site system for maintenance purposes.; and (n) Alternative on-site wastewater management systems. 40.3 Discretionary Activities Application must be made for a Resource Consent for a Discretionary Activity for the following: • Activities listed as Permitted Activities which do not comply with conditions or with the provisions for minor compliance dealt with as Limited Discretionary Activities; and • Community facilities. 40.3.1 General Assessment Criteria Any application for a Discretionary or Non-Complying Activity shall generally comply with the conditions for Permitted Activities. In addition they shall be the subject of the following assessment criteria: Matters the Subject of Assessment Any relevant objective, policies and rules of the Plan; Any relevant objectives, policies and rules of the New Zealand Coastal Policy Statement; Any relevant objectives, policies and rules of any policy, statement or plan prepared under the Resource Management Act; The requirements of section 104 of the Act; and 40 - 3