Marlborough Sounds Resource Management Plan If the vegetation clearance is: • under plantation forest; or • within 50 metres of a plantation forest; and is reasonably necessary to enable the management or harvesting of an existing plantation forest, then conditions (f)-(i) do not apply and the vegetation clearance is permitted subject to conditions (a)-(e). Riparian Management Zone Woody vegetation, Sedges (Carex spp.) Native Toe Toe (Cortaderia spp.), and Flax (Phormium spp.), shall not be removed by chemical, fire or mechanical means within any riparian management zones as specified in Appendix I and Ecology Maps in Volume Three. Exceptions to this rule are: (i) Existing plantations of commercial forest, or (ii) Other exotic trees occupying less than 100 metres per kilometre of legal riparian boundary, or (iii) Plant pests (including those listed in regional or national pest management strategies) or (iv) Vegetation within 10 metres either side of the centreline of a public road or which is otherwise impairing the safe and efficient use of that road. Where vegetation clearance has been undertaken in accordance with Rule (i) - (iv) above, the following conditions must be met: a) Any trees that can be felled as specified above shall be directionally felled away from the waterbody, except wood vegetation leaning over a waterbody, which may be felled in accordance with safety practices; b) Except as above no logs may be dragged through the bed of any flowing river, or through any lake or wetland; c) The vegetation clearance site shall be revegetated within 24 months of the end of the operation, to a level where the amount of bare ground is no more than 20% greater than prior to vegetation clearance taking place; d) Top soil shall not be removed to a depth greater than 20mm over more than 15% of any vegetation clearance site. 38.1.8 Protection of Sites of Ecological, Archaeological and Cultural Significance No land disturbance may damage or adversely affect any identified site of iwi significance unless expressly agreed to in writing by the iwi who have jurisdiction or manawhenua over it. Any person unearthing or otherwise disturbing any historical, cultural, archaeological artifact or waahi tapu of significance to iwi during the course of a land disturbance operation shall cease work immediately and report the discovery to the Council. Work may not recommence unless expressly agreed to it in writing by the iwi who have jurisdiction or manawhenua over it, the NZ Historic Places Trust or a resource consent to a Discretionary Activity has been obtained. 38 - 8