Marlborough Sounds Resource Management Plan Screening of Multiple Vehicle Parking Spaces Any group of five or more vehicle parking spaces on any site adjoining a Residential Zone shall be screened from view from any adjoining residential property by a fence or vegetation or other means of screening. Turning Space on Rear Sites All required car parking and loading spaces on rear sites shall be configured such that vehicles using the spaces are able to enter and leave the site in a forward direction without reversing onto the road. 26.2.4 Protection of Sight Lines at Rail Crossings Rail Crossings The sight lines shown in Figure 26.15 in relation to railway level crossings should be kept clear of all obstructions including buildings, fences and vegetation. 26.2.5 New Road Intersections Location a) The location of intersections with state highways shall be chosen to ensure adequate spacing and adequate sight distance is available for all vehicle movements. The spacing of intersections shall be such that the function of the through road is not impaired. b) The minimum spacing between intersections shall be as follows in Table 26.1. Table 26.1 Minimum Spacing Between Intersections Speed Limited (km/h) Minimum Distance (m) 100 800 80 550 70 220 60 160 50 125 Sight Distances a) The sight distance available from any new intersection to be formed shall not be less than the minimum specified in Table 26.2 below, and wherever practicable the optimum specified in that table is to be provided. b) The sight lines at new road intersections shall be kept clear of all obstructions including buildings and other structures, fences and vegetation in accordance with the dimensions in Table 26.2. 26 - 20