Marlborough Sounds Resource Management Plan Conditions for Permitted Activities 33.1.1 Infrastructure and Services Vehicle Access Every parking and/ or loading space shall: a) Have such dimensions in accordance with Figure 26. 12 of the Transportation Rules (refer to Chapter 26 General Rules); and b) Be provided with such access drives and aisles as are necessary for ingress and egress of vehicles to and from the road, and for the manoeuvring of vehicles within the site. In determining the extent of area required for manoeuvring space, the Council will be guided by the 90 and 99 percentile car and truck tracking curves shown in Figure 26.13 of the Transportation Rules (refer to Chapter 26 General Rules). In applying the tracking curves: a) where vehicles normally manoeuvre at speeds of less than 10km per hour a minimum clearance of 300mm shall be maintained between the vehicle tracking area curve and any fixed object; b) where vehicles normally manoeuvre at speeds greater than 10km per hour a minimum clearance of 600mm shall be maintained between the vehicle tracking curve and any fixed object; and c) for public and customer car parking, the 99 percentile tracking curves shall apply. Every loading space shall be located on the same site as the activity to which it relates, be available at all times and shall have adequate useable access to that activity or building. Each loading space shall adjoin an adequate area for goods handling and shall be convenient to any service area or service lift. In addition every loading space shall be of useable shape and shall be of the following dimensions: a) For transport depots and other similar activities, not less than 9 metres in depth; b) For warehouses, bulk stores, industry, servicing premises and other similar uses, not less than 8 metres in depth; c) Offices and other non-goods handling activities, where the gross floor area is not greater than 1500m, and where on-street space is available 2 for occasional servicing by larger vehicles, 6 metres long, 3 metres wide, 2.6 metres high. (Van Loading Space); d) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in the foregoing standards, where articulated vehicles are used or are intended to be used in connection with any site, sufficient loading space not less than 11 metres in depth shall be provided for the purpose; and e) No loading space shall be less than 3.5 metres in width, or such greater width as is required for adequate manoeuvring. 33 - 2