Marlborough Sounds Resource Management Plan Access Spacing a) For rural State highways, where the speed limit is 100km/ hr, the minimum spacing between successive accesses (regardless of the side of road on which they are located) shall be not less than 200 metres. b) For urban State highways the minimum distance between accesses (either single or combined) on the same side of the road shall be: • Not less than 7.5 metres for residential land uses, and • Not less than 15 metres for all other land uses. Distances of Access from Intersections a) Except as specified below in respect of State Highways no access to any property shall be sited closer than 12.0 metres from any intersection, such distance to be measured from the intersecting kerb lines. The Council may require greater distance in the case of major intersections, or where development of a property near an intersection will generate traffic likely to interfere with the normal flow of traffic through that intersection. b) In a rural area no vehicle access to a State highway shall be constructed within 100 metres of a road intersection. Where the access is to a side road the access shall be a minimum of 30 metres from the State highway boundary. c) In an urban area no vehicle access to a State highway shall be constructed within 15 metres of a road intersection. Where the access is to a side road the access shall be a minimum of 15 metres from the State highway boundary. d) For the purposes of this rule “intersection” means the physical intersection inclusive of any acceleration, deceleration or turning lanes and any road widening associated with the intersection. e) The measurement of the offset distance shall be taken from the nearest corner junction point of the road reserve boundaries at the intersection, or, in the case of a T intersection, the prolongation shall extend to the near side of the access where it crosses the property boundary. Relationship with Railway Where an access crosses a railway, 20 metres either side of the railway shall be constructed generally at the same level as the railway. 26.2.7 Standards for Vehicle Access to Individual Sites Design and Formation Standards for Vehicle Access All accesses shall be designed and constructed so that heavy vehicles do not have to cross the road centre line when making a left turn. General Where the carriageway margin provides, or is intended to provide kerb or kerb and channel, access from the carriageway to property shall be gained by channel crossing, except that in the case of major developments a developer may wish 26 - 24