Chapter 36 - Rural Zones One and Two • Roadsides, railways and other access ways; • Public areas other than reserves administered by local authorities, (e.g. carparks); • Public areas administered by government departments, other than reserves and recreation areas; • Areas administered by sports clubs or educational institutes; and • Areas associated with industrial, trade or commercial premises to which the public has unrestricted access; Unless the activity involves the discharge of contaminants onto or into a flowing surfacewater, or bed of any river or lake is a Permitted Activity, provided that the following conditions are met: The person responsible for the activity shall give due regard to: a) Wind speed and direction in the method of application of spray; b) The selection of nozzle size and pressure of spray units to prevent or minimise the potential for spray drift; c) The dilution of spray solutions to the proper concentration for application; d) Upon request of the Council or neighbouring property owner make available for inspection a current programme for the application of agrichemicals; e) Apply sprays in accordance with the manufacturers’ recommendations; f) Notify the Council as soon as practicable (within one hour) in the case of accidental discharge into a waterbody; and g) Apply sprays in a manner which does not cause or is not likely to cause significant deposition into water. Woody vegetation, Sedges (Carex spp.), Native Toe Toe (Cortaderia spp.), and Flax (Phormium spp.), shall not be removed by chemical means within riparian management zones as specified in Appendix I and ecology maps in Volume Three. The exceptions to this rule are: a) Existing plantations of commercial forestry trees; b) Other exotic trees occupying less than 100 metres length per kilometre of legal riparian boundary; c) Plant pests (including those listed in regional or national pest management strategies); d) Vegetation within 10 metres either side of the centreline of a public road or which is otherwise impairing the safe and efficient use of that road. Vegetation outside the riparian management zones as specified in Appendix I and the Ecology maps in Volume Three shall not be cleared by chemical means unless provided for as a Permitted Activity in Rule The following qualifications shall be held at all times after 1 January 2000: a) Every person undertaking the application of agrichemicals shall hold or be under training for a current GROWSAFE Standard certificate or an equivalent qualification; 36 - 15