20 August 2015 Chapter 35 - Coastal Marine Zones One, Two and Three Signs The erection of a sign to provide public safety and information shall be a Per mitted Activity subject to the following conditions: a) The area of the sign shall not exceed 1m; and 2 b) The sign shall not create an obstruction to navigation. Swing Moorings within Mooring Management Areas Placement, use (including occupation of the coastal marine area) and maintenance of swing moorings within a Mooring Management Area or Waka swing moorings within the Waka Mooring Management Area shall be a permitted activity subject to the following condition: a) A bylaw is in place and a current Mooring Licence under the bylaw provides for the placement and use of the specified swing mooring. Note: If no relevant Bylaw is in place, rule 35.3.2 applies. 35.2 Controlled Activities Application must be made for a resource consent for a Controlled Activity with respect to the following: • Drilling; • Maintenance dredging for navigation management and berthage • purposes; • Marine farms previously authorised, as provided for in Rule 35.2.5 below; • Stormwater discharge; and Taking of water up to 3000m/day. 3 • • Except as provided for in Rule, use of surface water within the National Transportation Route by high speed ships, or ships that exceed 500 gross registered tonnes, which are travelling at a ship speed exceeding 15 knots, including any associated disturbance of the foreshore and seabed. • Use of surface water by high speed ships or ships that exceed 500 gross registered tonnes which are travelling at a ship speed exceeding 15 knots in the National Transportation Route for the purposes of undertaking measurements of Wave Energy, including any associated disturbance of the foreshore and seab ed. • Harvesting of marine farming produce from mar ine farms previously authorised by a current Coastal Permit (pu rsuant to the Resource Management Act 1991) or current Marin e Farm Lease or Licence (pursuant to the Marine Farming Act 1971) applied for prior to 1 August 1996, including the taking and discharge of coastal water and discharge of biodegradable and organi c waste matter. All Controlled Activities shall be subject to the general conditions applicable to Permitted Activities. An application for resource consent may be considered without notification or the need to obtain the written approval of affected persons unless otherwise specified. In addition the following shall apply to specified activities. 35 - 9