Marlborough Sounds Resource Management Plan Activity Parking Spaces Required Bulk store One for every 100m² gross floor area plus one for every 100m² of outdoor stora ge. Buildings used for Recreation and One for every four people the facility recreational facilities (including grandstands) is designed to accommodate. Care Centre One for every member of staff plus one for every 10 children or people the facility is designed to accommodate. Community Welfare Facility One for every employee. Drive-through facility Five queuing spaces per booth or facility. Entertainment Facility One for every four people the facility is designed to accommodate. Health Care Services One for every employee plus one for every 26m² of gross floor area. Hospital One for each patient the facility is designed to accommodate. Motels One for every two employees plus one for every motel unit, or, one for every three residents the boarding house is designed to accommodate. Offices One for every 35m² of gross floor area. Places of Assembly One space for every four people a community facility is designed to accommodate, or for churches, one for every 4.5m² of floor area of the auditorium of the church or one for every 4.5m² of the total floor area of all meeting rooms (whichever is the greater). Provided that the term auditorium shall mean the primary place of assembly (including any nave/ congregational seating area) and any adjoining gallery or room which is separated by non-permanent partitions, but shall not include any chancel, sanctuary or stage. Premises for cultural activity or One space for every five people the facility is natural display designed to accommodate. Restaurants, cafés, wine bars and One for every 10m² of gross floor area, plus other eating places one for every 15m² of outdoor eating area. Retail Premises One for every 17m² of gross floor area, plus one for every 17m² of outdoor retail. Service Stations Two spaces per three employees, one space per repair bay, one space per air hose and three queuing spaces per car wash. Licensed premises other than Minimum parking: Nil restaurants, wine bars. Maximum parking: One for every four persons Up to 100 persons design occupancy designed to be accommodated. Between 101 persons and 150 persons Minimum parking: One for every 15 persons design occupancy designed to be accommodated. Maximum parking: One for every six persons designed to be accommodat ed. Between 151 and 200 persons design Minimum parking: One for every eight occupancy. persons designed to be accommodated. Maximum parking: One for every five persons designed to be accommodated. 31 - 2