10 March 2006 Chapter 27 - Subdivision c) Maintains the quality and quantity of any water resource; d) Does not increase any risk from natural hazards; e) Does not result in an adverse effect on the relationship of Maori and their culture and traditions with their ancestral lands, water, sites, waahi tapu and other taonga; and f) Does not result in an adverse effect on any archaeological site registered by the NZ Historic Places Trust. Whether the proposed method of managing domestic wastewater is the best practicable option and, where the method is an on-site option, whether the contaminants within the domestic wastewater will be treated and contained on- site, given the site conditions and constraints. Whether the proposed subdivision is likely to have any effects on the physical and natural environment or community such that some form of financial contribution is necessary and should be imposed as a condition of consent. Where a subdivision is likely to be carried out in stages the developer must specify this to the Council at the time of the application. The time periods for stages shall be clearly prescribed and any related effects assessed. (Each stage will only be approved when the Council is satisfied that the conditions that apply to that particular stage have been met, as well as, any other conditions of the subdivision consent which are required to be given effect to at that time). On the compatibility of the proposed allotments with the pattern of the adjoining subdivision, land use activities, servicing and access arrangements, and amenity values. The degree to which proposed new roads make adequate provision for vehicle movements, car parking and property access and the provision of alternative access for car parking and vehicle access in the Town Commercial Zone by way of vested service lanes at the rear of properties, having regard to alternative means of access and performance standards for activities within the zone. Whether the proposed use for land subdivided within 20 metres of a high voltage electrical transmission line, can be safely accommodated in accordance with the New Zealand Electrical Code of Practice for Electrical Safety Distances, or its successor. 27.2.5 Resource Consent Conditions (Controlled and Discretionary Subdivision Activities) Notwithstanding the other requirements of this document and the Act any resource consent for subdivision may include conditions relating to any of the following: a) The size, shape and position of any lot; b) Potable water supply, water storage and water treatment; c) The method of managing domestic wastewater, including operational and maintenance requirements; d) Stormwater control requirements; e) Service easements; 27 - 7