Chapter 27 - Subdivision d) The employment of reduced standards does not adversely affect the local servicing infrastructure, including parking, manoeuvring and access to public roads; e) The assessment matters detailed in Rule 29.3.2 of the Urban Residential Zone controls are fully addressed; and f) A condition requiring a consent notice on the title will be imposed with respect to the building plans that form part of the application. Utility Lots Utility lots that do not comply with the standards for Permitted Activity subdivisions. Special Provision to Protect Large Lots The Council may consent to a subdivision for the creation of residential lots to protect the integrity of lots in excess of 150 hectares. The creation of such lots must be in accordance with the formula expressed in Rule Any subdivision undertaken in terms of this rule will render the subdivision potential of the balance area a Non Complying Activity and this status shall be the subject of a consent notice on the title of that portion. Subdivisions may be staged in accordance with Assessment Criteria and the Council may consider extending the time to give effect to the consent to five years maximum for subdivision proposals of 10 lots and over. However, in these circumstances, if the consent is not given effect to within the five years provided, a new application will be required for any further subdivision to complete the available lot entitlement prescribed in Rule Subdivision of Lots No of Residential Lots (hectares) 150 - 200 hectares 4 201 - 250 5 251 - 300 6 301 - 350 8 351 - 400 10 401 - 500 12 501 - 600 14 600 + 15 All residential lots are to comply with Rules, 27.2.4, 27.2.5, 27.3.1 and 27.3.2 above. 27 - 13