Chapter 27 - Subdivision 27.0 Subdivision Preamble This section of the Plan provides for the implementation of the specific and general objectives and policies for subdivision as detailed in Volume One of the Plan. Subdivision is Defined in section 218 of the Act. Subdivision is defined as an ‘activity’ by the Act. The standards (rules) and related assessment criteria (methods of analysis) of this section of the Plan put forward controls that need to be met to enable applications for subdivision to be considered for approval. Primary Constraints Section 106 of the Act imposes fundamental constraints on subdivision where circumstances involve erosion, falling debris, subsidence, slippage or inundation. (Refer directly to section 106 for explanation). 27.1 Permitted Activities 27.1.1 Available in- • All Zones Permitted Activity subdivisions are limited to “utilities” as provided for in Volume Two, General Rule 26.5 of this document. Subdivision for the purpose of creating a utility lot and any balance lot are permitted provided the following standards in Rule 27.1.2 are met. 27.1.2 Allotment Standards (Permitted Subdivision Activities) An application for a Certificate of Compliance shall confirm that the subdivision proposed complies with the Plan’s standard requirements for subdivision and development: and the requirements of rules & Each utility lot must be of sufficient dimension to accommodate an existing or proposed structure such that: a) The structure complies with the relevant standards in the Plan; and/ or b) For an existing structure, which does not comply with the Plan standards, there is no increase in the extent to which the building fails to comply with those standards. For any balance lot: a) The balance lot shall comply with the standards for controlled subdivision activities in Rule 27.2.1 to Rule 27.2.5 inclusive; and b) Any existing activity on the balance shall either: - Comply with the relevant standards in the Plan; and/ or - Where an existing activity does not comply with the Plan standards, there is no increase in the extent to which the activity fails to comply with those standards; and c) No changes to any existing services serving the balance allotment are proposed. 27 - 1