Chapter 26 - General Rules Buildings more than 15m² in ground floor area and/ or over 2.5 metres in height shall be set back from the road boundary by a distance not less than half the height of a structure; All outdoor storage shall be screened from public view by landscaping or solid fencing of at least 1.8 metres in height; Depots containing no buildings shall provide a landscaped area to a minimum depth of 3 metres along the road boundary; All proposed new utility structures and depots shall be located outside the areas identified in Appendix B and on the Planning Maps as significant ecological value areas, or areas of outstanding landscape, except the following new utility structures which are permitted in the following parts of areas identified in Appendix B and on the Planning Maps as significant ecological value areas, or areas of outstanding landscape: In the coastal marine area and in a 20 metre strip adjacent to the coastal marine area: a) Antennae; b) Subaqueous or underground cables and lines; c) Utility buildings not exceeding 9m² in floor area and 2.5 metres in height. In that area extending from 20 metres from the coastal marine area to 30 metres below any prominent ridge (as indicated on the Planning Maps): a) Subaqueous or underground cables and lines; b) Antennas; c) Single stand-along support structures for radiocommunication facilities not more than 15 metres in height; d) Utility buildings not more than 9m² in floor area and 2.5 metres in height; e) Above-ground lines and cables and associated support structures not more than 10 metres in height. On any prominent ridge or less than 30 metres below that prominent ridge (as indicated on the Planning Maps): a) Aubaqueous or underground cables and lines; b) Above-ground lines and cables and associated support structures if the support structure is not more than 10 metres in height and is in the area for the purpose of carrying lines or cables across the ridge. No automatic weather stations or weather recording devices shall exceed a maximum height of 25 metres by any mast, aerial or pole. The maintenance, upgrading and replacement of the following existing utilities are a Permitted Activity in every zone where the term ‘maintenance, upgrading and replacement’ shall mean any work or activity necessary to continue access to and the operation and/ or functioning of an existing utility and shall also provide for the replacement of an existing line, building, structure or other facility with another of the same or similar height, size or scale, within the same or similar position and for the same or similar purpose: 26 - 43