Marlborough Sounds Resource Management Plan 20 August 2015 34.2 Controlled Activities Application must be made for a resource consent for a Controlled Activity with respect to the following: • Abrasive blasting; • Maintenance dredging of channels in and around berths; • Maintenance dredging of the mouth of the marina; and • Stormwater discharge. All Controlled Activities shall be subject to the conditions applicable to Permitted Activities. In addition the following standards apply to certain specified activities. An application for a resource consent may be considered without notification or the need to obtain the written approval of affected persons in accordance with section 94(1) of the Act. 34.2.1 Abrasive Blasting Operations Standards The discharge of contaminant into air from abrasive blasting using a mobile source or wet abrasive blasting techniques provided the following standards are complied with: a) The surface to be blasted shall not contain any lead, zinc, arsenic, chromium, cadmium, copper, mercury, tributyl tin or thorium-based compounds; b) The Council and owners or occupiers of properties adjacent to the subject property shall be notified of the location, date and duration of the proposed abrasive blasting operation at least five working days before the commencement of the work; c) Sand or any other material used for abrasive blasting shall contain not more than 5% free silica on a dry weight basis; d) The operator shall so far as is practicable collect all debris and used blasting materials; e) All collected debris and used blasting materials shall be removed from the site daily and when operations are completed; f) There shall be no discharges of water spray beyond the boundary of the subject property, or beyond 50 metres of the discharge when sited on public land; and g) There shall be no visible discharge of dust beyond the boundary of the subject property, or beyond 50 metres of the discharge when sited on public land. Matters Over Which Control is Reserved a) Recovery of toxic materials from the blasting enclosure; and b) Methods for disposal of toxic materials. 34 - 12