Marlborough Sounds Resource Management Plan 20 August 2015 Fire Safety All hazardous facilities where flammable hazardous substances are either used or stored shall have adequate fire safety equipment in place in compliance with the requirements of the Dangerous Goods Regulations. Signage All hazardous facilities shall be adequately signposted according to the most recent version of the Code of Practice for Warning Signs for Premises Storing Hazardous Substances of the New Zealand Chemical Industry Council. Emergency and Evacuation Plan All hazardous facilities shall have in place an emergency and evacuation plan which deals with possible on-site accidents involving hazardous substances. A current copy of the plan may be lodged with the Council. 34.1.5 Discharges Discharges to Air Dust Emissions Any person undertaking any activity resulting in the emission of dust shall adopt the best practicable option to avoid, remedy or mitigate adverse effects resulting from dust emissions on the receiving environment. The discharge of non-toxic dusts from any process vent or stack is a Permitted Activity subject to the following conditions: a) Any air pollution control equipment and dust collection system shall be designed to achieve a particulate discharge rate of 125mg/m (corrected 3 to 0 degrees Celsius, 1 atmosphere pressure, dry gas basis) and at no time shall emissions exceed 250mg/m (corrected to 0 degrees Celsius, 3 1 atmosphere pressure, dry gas basis); and b) No particles in the emission shall be larger than 0.5 millimetres in diameter. Notwithstanding the conditions above, there shall be no visible emission of dust from any process vent or stack (note that ‘dust’ refers to solid particulate and does not include emissions of vapour or droplets). The discharge of non-toxic dust from any process vent or stack shall not result in deposition of solid material on property owned or occupied by persons other than those who carry out the activity. Effluent Disposal Provision must be made for the satisfactory disposal of all effluent and greywater generated from onshore activities in accordance with the requirements of the Plan. The requirements of the Plan are deemed to have been met where all effluent and greywater is connected to a public system expressly designed for this purpose. 34 - 8