Marlborough Sounds Resource Management Plan b) The visual qualities of the surrounding area; or c) Any view or vista which contributes to the aesthetic coherence of a locality. Any significant environmental features and in particular that the proposal does not: a) Significantly adversely affect any habitat of any indigenous species; or b) Compromise the integrity of any terrestrial or marine ecosystem; c) Diminish the natural character of the locality, having regard to the natural character areas identified in Appendix Two, Volume One. Natural and physical resources so that any proposal: a) Complements any building or other feature constructed by people in the locality which contributes to the character of the locality; b) Does not have an adverse effect on the relationship of Maori and their culture and traditions with their ancestral lands, water, sites, waahi tapu and other taonga or any historic place or known archaeological site; c) Does not reduce water quality beyond a zone of reasonable mixing; or d) Does not increase any risk from natural hazards. In terms of the discharge of contaminants and the use of hazardous substances that any proposal: a) Does not generate noise, dust fumes, smoke or odours which are likely to be noxious, dangerous, offensive or objectionable to any occupier of an adjoining property. The physical or natural environment or community such that some form of financial contribution is necessary and should be imposed as a condition of consent. A financial contribution may be required in the following circumstances (except for a single dwellinghouse on one lot) or as otherwise required in the Plan wher e: a) Any activity will lead to increased pressure on or demand for the use of any public reserve, facilities or infrastructure including roads, walkways, and refuse disposal systems; b) Any activity is likely to impact negatively upon the development capability of any adjoining land in terms of sewage servicing capacity; c) Any activity lends or will lend to a situation where off-site effects can be mitigated, but unless required by condition of consent be at the cost of the Council; or d) Where the proposal will create a need for public works, services, reserves, or capital expenditure. 33.4.2 Particular Criteria and Standards Applicable to Listed Discretionary Activities The criteria specified for any particular Discretionary Activity as listed below shall be considered in addition to the general assessment criteria set out in Rule 33.4.1. The conditions for Permitted Activities may be used as guidelines for siting. 33 - 22