Marlborough Sounds Resource Management Plan 20 August 2015 a) Any effects on swing moorings which were lawfully established on or before 17 June 2010; th b) The extent of clearance of coastal indigenous vegetation and any proposed reinstatement; c) Any navigation aids and signage; d) Provision for public access and signage, and vehicle access for adjoining mooring holders; e) Car parking provided and layout of vehicle access including: i) Sufficient carparks for marina users. Rule will be used to determine appropriate carpark ratios; ii) Carparks for use by consent holders for swing moorings in Appendix J, Schedule 4.1 at a minimum rate of 1 carpark space per 3 swing moorings. f) Enhancement of the foreshore area at the north west end of that part of the Marina Zone specifically identified in Appendix J, Schedule 4; g) Landscaping proposed to ensure the integration of the marina with the surrounding environment. A landscape plan prepared by a qualified landscape architect shall be submitted to the Council as part of the application demonstrating how the development shall be integrated into the surrounding environment. The landscape plan shall include: i) Planting areas that include robust locally sourced coastal tree and shrub species. ii) All hard landscape areas and landscape fixtures (including colours and materials). iii) Landscape management plan incorporating landscape specifications and maintenance measures. h) Any adverse effects on tangata whenua in respect of access to and habitat for mahinga kai (cultural harvesting), waahi tapu and other taonga or any historic place or archaeological site, including any provision for off-set mitigation of effects; i) Any positive effects that may be generated by the proposal, including the efficiency of storing vessels within purpose built and serviced marina facilities when compared with-other forms of mooring. 34.4.3 Resource Consent Conditions Any resource consent may include conditions relating to any one or more of the following: a) All those matters contained in section 108 of the Act; b) The bulk and location of buildings; c) The protection or enhancement of amenity values; d) The protection or enhancement of the quality and quantity of natural waters or water systems; 34 - 24