Marlborough Sounds Resource Management Plan 10 March 2006 • Vegetation clearance of more than 0.2ha of indigenous forest, per Certificate of Title, except where plantation forestry exemptions in Rule exist; and • Vegetation clearance of naturally occurring indigenous duneland vegetation or naturally occurring indigenous wetland vegetation, except where plantation forestry exemptions in Rule exist. 38.4.1 Particular Criteria and Standards Applicable to Listed Discretionary Activities. Vegetation Clearance a) Whether the application adequately avoids, remedies or mitigates adverse effects on indigenous vegetation and habitats of indigenous fauna. b) In assessing consent applications for the clearance of any indigenous vegetation, Council will consider the significance of the vegetation affected (including the presence of rare or endangered plant or animal species) and the impact of the proposal on ecological values of the area. Council will also take into account the extent of the reduction on the indigenous vegetation type in the District, should the application proceed, and the impact on the sustainability of that indigenous vegetation type. 38.5 Non-Complying Activities Application must be made for a Resource Consent for a Non-Complying Activity for the following: • Any activity other than a Prohibited Activity which is neither a Permitted Activity, Controlled Activity, Limited Discretionary Activity nor a Discretionary Activity; • Discharge of sewage effluent to water; and • Subdivision. 38.6 Prohibited Activities - being activities for which no consent shall be granted • The disposal of hazardous waste substances to land or water; and • The storage of marine farming equipment on the foreshore, Sounds Foreshore Reserve, Road Reserve or Esplanade Reserve. • The combustion of: - materials associated with the recovery of metals from insulated electrical cables; or - materials and metals used in motor vehicles; or - any other PVC plastic, or rubber tyres, treated timber, or agricultural chemical wastes.” • The discharge of domestic wastewater, through any soak pit established after 21 April 2005, into land. 38 - 12