Marlborough Sounds Resource Management Plan Map Site Status Ecological Value Key 5. MAINLAND – UNPROTECTED NATURAL AREAS 5/11 Clova Bay Flats 3 Four small areas of rare alluvial and coastal forest. 5/13 Otatara Bays 3 Rare coastal alluvial forest. 5/48 Four Fathom Bay 3 Remnant of rare kahikatea-tawa-kohekohe forest 5/61 Piripiri North 2 Large area of upland forest. Carnivorous land snail Poweliphanta hochstetteri bicolour – Megadromus sp, (both nationally vulnerable) 5/62 Waitohi 2 Very large area of low land to upland forest with complete altitudinal sequences – valley floor to mountain crest. Carnivorous land snail Powelliphanta hochstettera bicolour, possible presence of wood rose Dactylanthus taylo rii. App B - 12