Marlborough Sounds Resource Management Plan Boundary Adjustments The Council may consent to the re-subdivision of existing lots where one or more lots do not comply with the minimum area requirements as set out in Rules 27.2.1 and 3.1 provided that the following standards are met. The proposed subdivision shall not create additional allotments or new titles (excluding any reserves) which are smaller than those the subject of the application unless: a) Each lot provides sufficient area for a dwelling meeting the standards for permitted activities; b) Any significant environmental features on the lot are protected through covenants or similar means as a consequence of the subdivision; and c) Access and servicing, as required by the Plan, is available to each lot. Allotments comprised in the application must be contiguous in all zones except in the Rural Zone where they may be separated by a road, river, rail line or reserve. Limited Discretion 20% - Allotment and Access Minima - Sounds Residential and Urban Residential Zones Subject to Rules 27.2.4 and 27.2.5, the reduced minimum standards provided in Rules 27.3.1 and 27.3.2, for allotment area and access width to rear lots will be considered, where an application can address Rule 27.2.4 and confirm that: a) The policies and objectives for the particular zone can be attained; b) In assessing the effects, the amenities prescribed by the Plan for the zone can be maintained in the immediate vicinity of the subdivision; c) The amenities provided within the proposed development itself can meet the amenities prescribed by the Plan; d) The employment of reduced standards does not adversely affect the local servicing infrastructure, including parking, manoeuvring and access to public roads; and e) The assessment matters detailed in Rule of the Urban Residential Zone controls are fully addressed. Integrated Residential Developments - Urban Residential Zone Notwithstanding the requirements of Rules 27.3.1 and 27.3.2 and subject to a combined resource consent application for subdivision and land use, lesser standards will be considered. Building concept drawings shall be lodged concurrently with the subdivision plan clearly prescribing the intended bulk and location of proposed structures (on dimensioned plans and elevation drawings). The application will be required to confirm, in addressing Assessment Criteria 27.2.4 that: a) The policies and objectives for the particular zone can be attained; b) In assessing the effects, the amenities prescribed by the Plan for the zone can be maintained in the immediate vicinity of the subdivision; c) The amenities provided within the proposed development itself can meet the amenities prescribed by the Plan; 27 - 12