Appendix I - Schedule of Water Bodies for Riparian Management Purpose Appendix I Schedule of Water Bodies for Riparian Management Purpose Key to Values: 1. Trout spawning/ rearing reach 2. Presence of National Category B or C threatened species (koaro, giant kokopu, banded kokopu, blue duck) 3. Presence of four or more native species in the absence of introduced species. 4. Wildlife habitat 5. Recreational/ Flood Hazard 6. Presence of shortjawed kokopu (National Category A threatened species). Waterbody Location NZMS 260 Location NZMS 260 Value Grid Start Grid Finish CATEGORY 1 STREAMS AND RIVERS Kaimiko Stream O26 650 105 200 m a.s. l 6 Ruataniwha Stream O26 657 104 200 m a.s. l 6 Pouawhariki Stream O26 662 110 200 m a.s.l 6 Waikawa Stream P27 971 927 200 m a.s.l 6 Stace Creek P27 995 827 200 m a.s.l 6 Robin Hood Stream P27 995 826 200 m a.s.l 6 Cullen Creek P27 808 905 200 m a.s.l 6 Mountain Camp Creek O27 642 846 200 m a.s.l 6 Opouri River O27 703 047 O27 622 992 5 Tunakino River O27 650 062 O27 622 992 5 Ronga River O27 613 073 O27 599 994 5 Rai River O27 622 992 O27 582 898 5 Pelorus River O27 484 847 P27 735 935 5, 4 Tinline river O27 518 949 O27 521 880 5 Wakamarina River O27 600 805 O27 663 909 5, 4 Kaituna River P28 742 775 P27 749 915 5, 4 Waitohi Stream P27 940 879 P27 943 892 5 CATEGORY 2 STREAMS AND RIVERS Peter Stream 026 647 106 200 m a.s.l 2 Hapiata Stream O26 666 116 200 m a.s.l 2, 3 Ohana Bay Stream P26 761 291 P26 760 296 2 Lucky Bay Stream P26 825 346 200 m a.s.l 2, 3 App I - 1