Marlborough Sounds Resource Management Plan Noise Except for the aerial application of fertiliser and agrichemicals all permitted activities shall be conducted so as to ensure that noise arising from such activities does not exceed the following noise limit at or within the boundary of any land zoned Urban Residential or within the notional boundary of any dwelling on another site on land zoned Rural One or Rural Two: • 0700 hours - 2200 hours Monday to Friday, and 55 dBA L10 0700 hours - 1200 hours Saturday • On any day between 0700 - 2200 hours No L max limit • At all other times including any public 45 dBA L10 and holiday 75 dBA L max Construction Noise Construction noise shall not exceed the recommended limits in and shall be measured and assessed in accordance with the provisions of NZS6803P:1984 The Measurement and Assessment of Noise from Construction, Maintenance and Demolition Work. Exception Except where expressly provide elsewhere noise shall be measured in accordance with the provisions of NZS 6801:1991 Measurement of Sound, and assessed on accordance with NZS 6802:1991 Assessment of Environmental Sound. Notwithstanding the conditions in Rule, above, the following exemptions to that rule shall apply. Generators Any generator or wind powered equipment used solely for the generation of electricity shall be so operated that noise emissions measured at the notional boundary of any dwelling in any zone shall not exceed the following limit: • At all times 55 dBA L10 Provided that the activity shall be no louder than necessary, and shall comply with the requirements of section 16 of the Act. Bird-scaring Device Any audible bird scaring device shall be so operated that any noise emission measured at the notional boundary of any dwelling in any zone shall not exceed a peak sound pressure level without frequency weighting of 85 dBA, provided that: a) Where the property bounds a public road the devices shall be sited in compliance with the operational siting requirements applicable to public roads; b) No bird-scaring device shall be operated within: • 100 metres of public road; • 100 metres of any rural or residential dwelling and if sited at this minimum distance from a public road or dwelling shall have an approved anti-noise baffle erected immediately behind the device between the dwelling or the public road; 36 - 4