Marlborough Sounds Resource Management Plan 36.4.1 General Assessment Criteria Any application for a Discretionary or Non-Complying Activity shall be considered in terms of the following criteria. In addition, there may also be prescribed assessment criteria and standards which apply to particular activities. In the case of a Discretionary Activity to vary the conditions for a Permitted Activity an application may only be granted to the extent provided for in the applicable Standards and Terms and will be assessed in terms of the general criteria applicable to all discretionary activities. 36.4.2 Matters for Assessment In addition to any specific standards set out in Rule 36.4.3 the General Assessment Criteria set out in Rule 36.4.2 shall be applied to Discretionary and Non Complying Activities. Any relevant objectives, policies and rules of the Plan. Any relevant objectives, policies and rules of the New Zealand Coastal Policy Statement. Any relevant objectives, policies and rules of any policy, statement or plan having jurisdiction over the rural area prepared under the Resource Management Act. The requirements of section 104 of the Act. The assessment criteria for Controlled Activities in the rural zones where relevant. The likely effects of the proposal on: The locality and wider community and in particular: a) Whether the proposal will enhance or maintain the amenity values of the surrounding area; b) The efficient use and development of resources having regard to the versatility of the area; c) Whether the proposal creates unreasonable demand for services or infrastructure at a cost to the wider community; d) Whether the proposal contributes to the character of the surrounding area and helps maintain the cultural values of the community; and e) Whether the proposal has any adverse effects on roading, traffic movement or road safety. The amenities of the area and in particular whether the proposal would: a) Visually intrude on any significant ridgeline or significant landscape; and b) Detract from any view or vista which contribute to the aesthetic coherence of a locality. Whether the proposal would: • ensure the protection of significant indigenous vegetation and habitats of indigenous fauna; and • avoid, remedy or mitigate adverse effects on terrestrial or marine ecosystems. • Diminish the natural character of the locality, having regard to the natural character areas identified in Appendix Two, Volume One. 36 - 30