Chapter 28 - Standard Requirements 28.0 Standard Requirements for Subdivision and Development 28.1 Information to be Supplied with Applications for Subdivision Consent 28.1.1 Requirements for all Applications Every application for subdivision consent shall contain the following information in the format prescribed: Size All plans should be on standard metric sheets. Preferred size is A3. Copies All plans must be capable of being photocopied in black and white. Scale Every plan should be drawn at a scale to clearly illustrate the proposal. A minimum scale of 1:500 is preferred for urban subdivision proposals. Where photofoil presentation is used an approximate scale will be accepted. It is preferred that all subdivision plans be orientated to north and show a north point and a New Zealand Grid Reference (at centroid of largest parcel being created). The centroid is to be confirmed on a copy of the survey plan. Plan Information The following particulars shall be shown on the Subdivision Plan: a) Legal description; b) Certificate of Title reference (noted ‘Limited’ where applicable); c) Land district, survey district and block number, local authority districts and their boundaries where applicable; d) The scale of the plan and any diagrams; e) Registered owner’s name (as set out in section 270 of the Act); f) Total area; g) Name of applicant, and surveyor or firm; h) Any covenants affecting the land; i) Reference or identification number used by the applicant; j) Zone boundaries, designations, roads and service lanes and the proposed status of all land to be vested; and k) A locality diagram to assist in identifying any rural property, and in other cases, where additional locational cues are necessary. Details of jointly owned access lots and details of the proposed shared ownership shall be provided. 28 - 1