Chapter 36 - Rural Zones One and Two Riparian Areas Except for direct approaches to bridges, crossings and fords, maintenance of rail and public roads and trenching for cable laying, no excavation or filling may take place within riparian management zones as specified in the schedule of water bodies and Table 1 in Appendix I and as mapped in Ecology Maps in Volume Three, or in a manner where the General Conditions for Land Disturbance for permitted activities, can not be complied with. Underground Utilities Other than excavations associated with the installation and maintenance of underground utilities, no utilities are to be exposed or damaged by the excavation. Matters Over Which Control is Reserved Council will retain control over any aspects of controlled land disturbance activities which may affect: a) The natural clarity of any permanently flowing river, lake, wetland or the sea, and the levels of suspended sediment in any discharge from a land disturbance site; b) The entry of any woody organic material into any permanently flowing river, lake, wetland or the sea; c) The restoration of vegetation cover on any vegetation clearance or cultivated site; d) The removal of topsoil on any vegetation clearance site; e) The need for protection of any historical, cultural or archaeological artefact or site; and f) The stability of any excavation site when subject to storm events. 36.2.6 Cultivation of riparian management zones on slopes of 0° - 20° as specified in Appendix I and the Ecology Maps in Volume Three. Matters Over Which Control is Reserved a) The effects on the natural clarity of any river, lake, wetland or the sea; b) The effects of the entry of any woody material into any river, lake, wetland or the sea; c) The effects on natural hazard management, including stability of riparian management zones and river control matters; d) Protection of riparian habitat diversity; e) Protection of instream habitat; f) Provision of physical public access where legal public access is provided for. 36 - 25