Marlborough Sounds Resource Management Plan - Rai River (between O27 622 992 and O27 582 898 NZMS 260 Grid) - Pelorus River (between O27 484 847 and P27 735 935 NZMS 260 Grid) - Tinline River (between O27 518 949 and O27 521 880 NZMS 260 Grid) - Wakamarina River (between O27 600 805 and O27 663 909 NZMS 260 Grid) - Kaituna River (between P28 742 775 and P27 749 915 NZMS 260 Grid) 26.1.6 River Control and Drainage, and Road Works Permitted Activities - River Control and Drainage, and Road Works River control and drainage works, and road works within the beds and banks of rivers are a Permitted Activity in all zones when carried out by a local authority exercising its powers under the Soil Conservation and River Control Act 1941 or the Land Drainage Act 1908; or roading authority operating under the Transit New Zealand Act 1989, providing the following conditions are met: Gravel, Sediment or Debris Removal The removal of gravel or sediment or debris is a Permitted Activity provided that the following conditions are met: a) The removal of gravel or sediment by under water dredging occurs within braided rivers; b) Dredging shall not be carried out more than once in any 12 month period, per river reach. The Nelson Marlborough Fish and Game Council and Depart- ment of Conservation shall be consulted prior to dredging taking place; c) All reasonable steps shall be taken to avoid discoloration of the water; d) Excavators shall operate from the riverbank or any non wetted area within the river bed; e) Dredging shall be staged to retain suitable ecological habitat; f) Dredged material shall be retained on adjacent banks to provide opportunity for animals to re-enter the river, for a period not less than 12 hours; g) Dredging shall not be carried out between 1 August and 30 November in any year; and h) The size and shape of drainage channels shall not be substantially altered. Channel Shaping, Beaching or Recontouring Channel shaping, beaching and recontouring limited to gravel riverbeds only is a Permitted Activity provided that the following conditions are met: a) Work shall not be below the water level; b) No machinery shall be operated in the water; c) Beaching work shall not be to a level higher than that of the natural river bank; d) The channel shape and form both in cross-section and longitudinal slope shall be kept similar to the typical natural river; and e) Operations shall be timed to recognise the needs of fish spawning and migration for both native and introduced fish and riverbed nesting birds. 26 - 8