Marlborough Sounds Resource Management Plan 26.4.4 Signs in Rural Zones All signs shall be situated on the property to which they relate. Signs shall be erected generally at right angles to the frontage roadway but angled off the direction of the traffic by approximately 5 degrees to reduce headlight glare reflecting back into the motorist’s vision. There shall be permitted only one double-sided sign per property and all signs shall be wholly situated within the property. Signs shall be erected to present an unrestricted view to the motorist for the minimum distance shown in Table 26.5 below. Table 26.5 Minimum Visibility Distance to Signs Regulatory Speed Limited (km/hr) Visibility Distance (m) 50 80 70 130 80 175 100 250 The minimum distance between successive signs should be as is shown in Table 26.6. Table 26.6 Minimum Distance between Signs Regulatory Speed Limit (km/hr) Distance (m) 70 60 80 70 100 80 Advance warning signs will be considered where a sign located in accordance with the criteria in this Section is unable to be seen from the distance specified in Table 26.5. In considering any application for such a sign the Council shall consider the degree of divergence from the standard specified in Table 26.5 and the contribution the advance sign will make to the safe operation of the state highway. Any such application shall be a Discretionary Activity. Advance warning signs will not be allowed to direct motorists from a main traffic route to business outlets on a side road. Signs are to be located immediately adjacent to the access to the property to which they relate, except for those signs to which Rule relates. Signs shall be sited such that they do not restrict visibility to and from intersections and property accesses. The sign message must be clear, concise, of a plain lettering style and limited to a maximum of five words or a combination of words and symbols to be not more than six. Lettering shall conform with the sizes set out in Table 26.7. 26 - 38